Happy Halloween!!
Alright, so it's not Halloween. I know, but I just painted this piece the last time I was at the ceramic shop with mom and I got it back the other night. When I ordered my pieces online I only ordered

This afternoon Peter and I went to town to pick up our oldest from Grandma's house, then we went to The Cheesecake Factory and got Peter a cheesecake (what else?) for his birthday, that is his absolute favorite so we couldn't skip out on that. We came home and got a call from Michael and Angela who were on their way over but were going to stop somewhere for food. We ended up meeting them at Chili's and then we all came back to our house to hang out. Michael loves cheesecake too so Peter dished it out. After the first bite Michael said he was having an allergic reaction and we waited to see how serious it would get. He is allergic to coconut so we think there may have been coconut oil in the cake itself, we called The Factory but they said there wasn't anything in it but Michael couldn't have anymore. We all felt bad for him and ate the Cheesecake so he didn't have to look at it (we are so nice) but fortunately the reaction didn't get too serious. It was really odd though because he said he has had that same exact kind before with no problems. We still enjoyed hanging out with them, as always. Hope you feel better soon Michael!!
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