The Women's Ministry at our church put on a Women's Retreat this weekend at Lake Yale. Peter, being the wonderful husband that he is, told me that I should go to it. So yesterday afternoon I went and picked up my friend Paula and we drove over to Lake Yale to make it in time for registration. It wasn't too far for us and we found it with no problem which is always a plus. After we

found our room had some free time we ate dinner and then went to our first of three sessions. We had a great speaker and today we had time scheduled for each of us to have our own quiet time where ever we wanted. I chose to go down to the lake and sit alone at a stone table with a gorgeous view of trees and the water. It was so peaceful there it was very easy to get lost in the Word and forget your worries. Throughout the retreat they gave away a few gift baskets that someone had put a lot of time into making and I won one! Overall, I really enjoyed myself and wished that the retreat was longer than it was. I got a lot out of it and look forward to the retreat next year.
I absolutely love this picture!!!
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