With our membership to the Central FL Zoo we also get into 150 other zoos and aquariums for free or half off. The CFZ is pretty sad so we wanted to take the girls to a good zoo. I had heard good things about the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne so I thought we would

give it a try since it was one of the free admission parks with our passes. The first thing we did when we got there was go see the giraffes. Abbi's favorite animal is the giraffe so she was super excited to see them. I thought she might be afraid because they are so big and I didn't think she really new how big they could be. The BZ had this really cool place where you buy crackers for the

giraffes and then you can feed them face to face. There was one giraffe there when we started and the tour guide said that he was the oldest one they had and the alpha male so none of the other giraffes would come up to the stand if he was around. Well, after

being there for about 15 minutes all the other giraffes came up and starting eating too. The guide was really surprised and said that had never happened before. It was really cool. The girls had a blast feeding them and I had a blast taking pictures. We moved on to the rest of Africa and then on to this really cool bird enclosure where you are aloud to feed the Lorikeets. When Peter walked out with food cup he got swarmed with the birds. They were very pretty but also very loud. They tended to bite anything that was offered so the girls didn't want to hold the cup by themselves. Abbi was the brave one and helped

Daddy feed them but Bresa wanted no part of it. After that we waited out some rain and then saw the rest of the animals. Bresa had fun feeding the deer through the fence in the FL Everglades and

Abbi liked the Eagle that couldn't fly. Once we had seen all the animals the girls wanted to go back to the giraffes. We made one last stop and then decided we had better get home before we got rained on even more. We had planned on stopping at the beach for

the evening but the rain was still coming so we just drove home for showers and dinner. We had a really great time and even if we had only seen the giraffes the drive would have been worth it. I know the girls had a great time, as you can see Abbi was pretty worn out from all the fun.
The giraffe pictures were cool! What an awesome experience being able to feed them!
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