Today Bresa lost her very first tooth! She came home from school one day all excited because she had a wiggly tooth. Pretty soon she had two wiggly teeth and then three. The first tooth was getting looser and looser and I tried to tell her to pull it out but she wanted nothing to do with that.

I gave her whole apples to eat and told her to use her front teeth but she did what she could to use her side teeth instead. Yesterday she was wiggling it and it was so loose I thought it would fall off in her hand but she still wouldn't pull on it. Today when Peter picked her up from school she called me and told me how her tooth fell out during lunch. She went to the nurses office and they gave her a little "tooth saver" treasure chest to keep it safe so she could bring it home. She showed it to everyone who came by and then made sure to put it safely under her pillow for the tooth fairy to come retrieve it and leave her a surprise.
"Mary the Fairy" will be so happy to have a new customer. !!! Keep smiling!!
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