In August of 2007 I told everyone about a frog that had adopted us and lived in our pond, and I posted this picture of him. When the winter came the frog seemed to disappear and I figured he found somewhere warmer. Last year when I would come outside I would hear a plop and splash in the pond but by the time I looked there was nothing to see. I assumed it was a frog that got spooked and dove to the bottom to escape.

Today I cleaned out the pond really well and even took the liner up so that I could scrub it out. When the liner was lifted I was surprised to see this same frog underneath the plastic. He is still alive and seems to be doing well because he has gotten a bit bigger. I guess he likes it here and under the plastic is warm enough for him during the colder months. A neighborhood dog killed all our lily pads last year so I will have to get more for the summer so this frog has somewhere to rest.
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