We made it another year and to be honest this one was probably one of the easier ones. Peter and I don't really fight or argue but sometimes just with life in general things get stressful. This year however things seemed pretty smooth even with all our major changes. Peter moved his business into the house and even bigger, we welcomed our first son and third child into our family. We

became members of our church and after doing so have become very involved with Peter playing lead guitar on the worship team, both of us leading a Life Group out of our home every week and soon I will be teaching a class at the church on Wednesday nights. We are very blessed and we give all praises to God for our wonderful friends and family that he has surrounded us with. If every year that follows is like this than we will have no complaints! Thanks everyone for the happy wishes! We had a great night and it just proved that Peter is still my favorite person to hang out with!
Happy Anniversary to you both.
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