It was about 5:00 when we got a knock on the door. We were expecting some friends but not until a little later so we figured they were just early. I opened the door and instead of our friends I found our next door neighbor, Gary. Gary is an awesome neighbor, the kind that sees you getting your mower out so he gets his out too and says, "I got this side!" We came home from vacation once and he said, "I hope you don't mind but I pressure washed my driveway and figured I would do yours too."

Anyhow, Gary asked me what the girls were doing and wanted to know if they could come out and play with a new remote control car that his wife picked up. It is the kind that flips over and keeps going and can go through water too. There were some substantial puddles in our street so he figured the girls would have a blast making the car go through them. He was right about that. The girls went out and had the best time driving this car around! They were giggling and squealing and the whole time and doing everything they could to flip the car over and make it do tricks. They splashed through the puddles and drove in circles and tried to run things over. It was great to watch them have a blast with something that seems so simple!
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