My mom and I had been planning to take the kids to Disney for a couple weeks now and I had already gotten the time off and the Bresa finished all her school work that was in her incomplete folder so that she could go. We saw the forecast called for rain most of the day but we figured we would go anyhow. We have been many times so there was no rush or need to see the whole park in one day. We came prepared with ponchos and umbrellas and warm clothes and headed into The Magic Kingdom. Peter stayed at home to get some work done with a day with no kids. Although the rain didn't let up much until about 7 we got to do a lot of things. We shopped around and traded pins, we rode on Pirates and then took the train

to Mickey's Toon-Town. We ended up riding the train 3-4 times around the park before we actually got off because the rain picked up and we were dry on the train. We got off and the girls and I rode the Barn-Stormer which Bresa loved and Abbi wouldn't

admit that she liked this time. We did more shopping and Grandma let the girls fill up a box of pony things for their ponies at home. They have a huge assortment of accessories and ponies and you can pay a flat fee for a small box so they all crammed as much as they could and I think Disney may be reconsidering that flat fee thing now. I took the girls to see some princesses and get pictures and autographs while mom walked Javan around the store some more. The girls were so cute with each of the princesses they met. They told the princesses all about their dress up clothes and how they were different from the princesses dresses. They both had princess shirts

on so they had to show them all that. Abbi talked and talked and she is usually my shy one. They both told each of them about the last time they had seen them and what they did at the last meeting. They got hugs and got to see Cinderella's hidden Mickey on her dress and show off their wonderful princess waves. After we left there Abbi wanted to ride on the People Mover so we did that a couple times during the heavier

rain and followed it up with a ride on the Buzz Light Year ride. We all got some dinner and I took the girls to Cinderella's Carousal while mom and Javan finished eating. Then we all rode Small World twice before heading over to Haunted Mansion. It was dark by the time we got out of there and just about time for the Electro Magic Parade. Bresa really wanted to see it so we did some local pin trading and some more shopping and came out when we heard the parade starting. The good thing about going to Disney in the rain is that no body else goes so there was about 10 people (a slight exaggeration) in the whole park and we didn't have to wait for anything or try and claim good seats for the parade

an hour before it started because no one was standing at the ropes. After the parade and more trading we decided it was time to head home. On the way towards the front we heard the announcement that the fireworks were going to start in five minutes. We decided to stay for that and even though it was all wet and damp outside Tinker-Bell still flew. I haven't seen that in years so that was a nice treat! The rain had stopped hours beforehand but I still thought she wouldn't fly. The fireworks were great and the girls really enjoyed the show but now it was time to leave. We headed back to the car and saw a cool water light parade thing on the way out that I had never seen before. Javan finally fell asleep after all the excitement was over and the girls didn't make it off Disney property before they were asleep in the van.

I dropped Grandma and the girls off at Grandma's house and then headed home with my little sleeping baby. It may have been rainy but we still had a great time and I can't every complain when there are so few people at the park.
It was a great day..I'm sure there will be more!! The girls were really good all day and this was Abbi's first trip without a stroller. She didn't complain and I don't know how she did it but she didn't get her feet wet. Both Brye's and mine were soaked.I had a great week-end with the girls.Love Mom
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