I am sure that I have mentioned before that Peter and I love our church. We just feel right at home there and even though we may be busy with our church duties more often in the week than not, we wouldn't trade it for anything. We love striving hard after Christ and it is our passion that our children will come to know Him at an early age and continue their walk with Him into adulthood. About 2-3 times a year our church holds a Friday night service called Consume where we come together for intense prayer and passionate worship. There isn't much sermon but the prayer is continuous during the night. The last few times we had Consume the church had put up white paper all over the walls of the sanctuary with sharpies so you could write your prayer request right on the wall. You don't have to put names or specifics just anything or anyone you wanted or needed prayer for. Throughout Consume you could just get up and write or you could go read the request and pray for someone in need. The

worship usually starts off quiet and calm but by the end of the night we are rocking the house and can probably be heard down the street. This last Consume was all about praying for the lost; those who haven't yet come to know Christ and those who have gone astray. Consume is always very emotional for me and this last Friday was no different, thankfully there were tissues in the pews. I had lots of people to pray for and I have a lot of friends whose grown children or parents need to be saved. One of the people I prayed for was my stepfather. He believes in God but there is a difference in believing in God and being saved, I was praying for his salvation. God has worked wonders in our church and in my own life and this morning my step-dad accepted Christ as his savior! Sometimes it takes a miracle, sometimes a tragedy, and sometimes just a scare to have your eyes opened. Jim (my step-dad) suffered a ministroke this morning and before the ambulance arrived he prayed aloud for Christ to come into his heart. Jim is doing well, he is stable now but will have to have angioplasty heart surgery again (he had this done a couple years ago) on Wednesday. Prayers for him are appreciated of course, I will keep you updated.
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