Tonight was my high school reunion which was held in Orlando. I never really wanted to go to my reunion but after going to Peter's last year I thought it might be fun. As it got closer I was still undecided so I asked Tina if they were going and she wasn't sure either. We eventually decided we would go just so we didn't regret not going later. The reunion was held at Ember which is downtown Orlando so my mom came over to watch the kids and Peter and I took off. We got there and walked around a little bit and talked to a few people here and there but nothing real exciting. People were impressed with my job and that Peter and I had

been married for 10 years and that we have three beautiful children. I had a lot to brag about but I really don't care what those people think so it all seemed pretty petty. Everyone that I really cared about from high school I still speak to regularly so there wasn't really anyone that I was really interested in seeing. We had a few good conversations but overall it was a bust. Peter and I ended up leaving and going over to Tina and Noah's house to hang out after staying for a couple hours. It was much nicer over there and much quieter. It really is amazing how 10 years later some people haven't grown at all. It's amazing how I can look back at the last 10 years and see all my accomplishments; family, career, church, surrogacy, etc. but others seem like they are still in high school. I realized that there is a reason I didn't keep in touch with a lot of people from high school and now I don't have to wonder if there was anything I missed out by not keeping in closer contact with them. I am glad I went to the reunion just so that any curiosity I may have had could be quenched but I don't see myself going to any more down the road.
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