When I first started at Sanford Police Department I was invited to a Property and Evidence Association of Florida (PEAF) meeting by a lady who worked at another agency. It sounded interesting so I started going to the quarterly meetings and came to know a lot of the local Evidence Techs and made a lot of helpful contacts. At the meetings we discuss issues and problems we all have to deal with and then have open discussions for any questions we may be working through or have come across recently. Since I am moving to a new building in the next couple of weeks I have gathered a lot of information about what people like about their vaults and what they didn't like as well as different vendors they used and what equipment they couldn't live without. Each year we have a state wide two day conference for all of the PEAF members. It's a great way to get know other agencies and hear new ideas and perspectives. The meetings are always hosted by a different agency (whoever volunteers) and after our discussions we take a tour of the agencies evidence storage and buildings (always the best part).
PEAF is broken up into Chapters statewide and I

am a part of Chapter 2 of 9 which includes Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia counties. We don't have as many counties as some but the counties we do have are really dense in population and therefore have more Police departments within, I believe we currently have 52 agencies on our roster. Every two years chapter elections are held for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. This summer was our election year and I had a feeling they would want me to run for one of the offices. In order to run you have to be nominated and then the motion has to be seconded, once all the nominees are confirmed the election is held with a vote from each member. I didn't volunteer for any position I figured I would just wait to see what happened at the next meeting. When we started the elections off I stayed quiet but was quickly notified of a nomination for me to take the VP position. I wasn't opposed and was actually honored and relieved it wasn't for the Secretary position. When it came to my position I was unanimously elected for Vice President of our Chapter. I didn't think about it until later but not only does it make Sanford PD look good but it also looks really good on my resume should I decide to pursue other agencies. Today we had our first meeting since the elections and we had a really great turn out, the best in probably 2 years. The secretary and I had split up our chapter and called each and every agency to get accurate contact information and make sure they were informed of who we were and what we were about. If our meetings continue to have such a large amount of people come we may look into holding the meetings more frequently as long as people are willing to host.
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