Today my mom and I got up around 5-6 and started working on the sale stuff. We have so much stuff that even after we pulled a ton out and loaded up the driveway the garage was still full. I hate stuff. I am really a minimalist and I would like to have just a couple comfy chairs and a stocked kitchen and nothing else. Since it was our first day we were pretty firm on our prices (we marked things to move and thought all the prices were more than fair). We know that we have tomorrow and possibly Sunday still

so we can always mark things down later. Anyhow, the temperature was in the 90s but thankfully we had a nice canopy for shade, I don't know how we ever did a sale without it. We stayed open pretty late because people kept showing up right when we would decide to start packing it up for tomorrow. Today was a great day and we made a nice amount of money from all that was sold. If tomorrow goes the same we will be very happy. Javan and the girls stayed inside most of the day but he came out a couple times and found his old toys and played with them all. He didn't understand we were selling them and probably never realized they were missing from his room. He had a good time despite the heat and kept me entertained in between customers.
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