&t The Taylor Family: Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Monday, February 20

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

The farmer's market had a really good deal on strawberries so I bought half a flat. When I got them home I wasn't real sure what I was going to do with them and after we ate some for lunch I decided to make a nice dessert. We are having some friends
over tonight to play some board games so I thought chocolate covered strawberries would be a nice treat. I have made the kind where you melt the chocolate in the microwave and put them on wax paper to harden but that chocolate tends
to get lumpy and the paper creates a flat side on the berries. I did a little research and decided to concoct a double boiler (I don't have one) and then let the berries harden upside down so they are nice and round all around the berry. I was only going to make milk chocolate ones but Peter asked for white chocolate, his favorite, and since I ended up having both milk and white I made them pretty with swirls of the opposite chocolates on them. Mmmm.


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