Four years ago today I became a Mommy for the first time. I remember the day like it was yesterday but it has already been a full four years. Bryanna is so sweet

and so super smart! Everyday she enriches my life and gives it meaning. Sometimes we have hard days but in the end I don't know what I would do without her. We already had Brye's party but we still had to celebrate her big day. Peter had off because it was

Monday so we decided to do a few errands and celebrate all in one. Brye got to choose where we had lunch and she chose Panera, thats my girl. While we were there though Abbi fell and hit her mouth and bit both sides of her tongue and it bled a lot. It was pretty scary but

she recovered pretty quickly. After we ran a couple more errands we picked up Grandma and went to Chuckie Cheese's. Brye had been once before and had a great time but this was Abbi's first time. I had printed out some coupons so after getting cup full of tokens and eating pizza and drinking up some water we took the girls to play all the games. We decided we got too many tokens and they took forever to go through them all but the girls had a great time. Brye liked playing in the tunnels the best and met a new friend. Abbi liked the ball games best, I never knew you could make one game of skeet ball last 20 minutes. LOL After we took Grandma home and left Brye there to spend the night, it only took Abbi a couple minutes to fall asleep on the way back home.

Also a very Happy Birthday to Robert!!
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