I have been a volunteer at the Sanford Police Department for about 15 months now. I started volunteering when I decided that I wanted to work in the Investigations department as a Crime Scene Technician. I couldn't put in a lot of hours until after I had the triplets and that is when I started working at the station on a regular basis. The main reason I did this was to have something to add to my resume but I ended up getting a lot more out of it than just that. I learned about positions that I never knew existed and expanded my desire of positions that I was interested in. Also, I became a familiar face around the department and everyone from the secretaries to the Chief of Police knew who I was (though not all by name). After just a couple months the position of Evidence Technician became available. I was told by the prior E.T. that the sergeants thought I should apply for the opening. I wrote up my resume and filled out the application and took it into City Hall. They are really slow. About 2 weeks after the position closed I got a phone call from Abigail from Investigations asking if I could come in for an interview. I went in yesterday at 10:00 and had a panel interview with the Investigations Lieutenant and the two Investigations Sergeants. I did really well and impressed myself on how nervous I wasn't. At the end of the interview Lt. told me "I just want to tell you that you gave an excellent interview." After that, I was really proud of myself. I knew I had done well and if I didn't get the job it was because someone else was more qualified and not because I somehow messed up. Well today, I got a call from one of the Sergeants and he said "Congratulations, you got the job." I was speechless, I have been working towards this, for what seems like, forever and finally I got to where I want to be! Now, I have to wait for City Hall to call me to come in for all the paperwork, and I have to do a voice stress test (like a lie detector test) and the typical drug screening. Hopefully, I will be able to get most of this done next week and start my job as soon as possible.
Congratulations!!! That job sounds interesting and a bit of fun too.
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