Abbi woke Peter up this morning to tell him she had to go potty.

When she was done she told him that Brye was sick. Peter went in to check on Brye who was crying and found her in her bed where she had recently thrown up.

Poor girl, she was scared and didn't know what to do. Peter cleaned her all up and put the sheets and comforter in the washer. I kind of rolled over and asked what he was doing and if he needed help but he told me to go back to sleep. He is so nice to me. When I woke up he told me all about it and after he went to work the girls and I had a jammie day. I put new jammies on Brye and she stayed home from school (of course) and then the three of us just took it easy all day. Later in the day I got the camera out and took some pictures of the girls just hanging out with me.
So sorry to hear that Brye was sick. Sweet photos of the girls!
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