&t The Taylor Family: You've got Mail

Sunday, February 17

You've got Mail

Peter and I are really bad about checking our mail on a regular basis. We can go a week or more without checking our box. One of these reasons is because our mail box is part of one of those community boxes and it is at the end of the road on the opposite side of our intersection. Today after church, we figured there was probably a Valentine or two in there for the girls and we should give it a look. We were surprised to see several cards from a bunch of people, and I felt bad that we didn't check it sooner. The girls were loaded down with cards, sticker, candy, gems, even money. They were all excited as I read them each card and then we set it up to take a picture. Thank you everyone for all the beautiful cards and thoughtful gifts for the girls, they were very excited to see how much everyone loves them!!


At 8:55 AM, Blogger Smith Family said...

Glad the girls liked their V-Day cards :)


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