I'm Famous
I have had lots of people tell me this past week that they saw me on TV. Well, it's true. I was on for channel 6 and 9 because of work. My chief of Police decided he wanted our agency to host a citywide Gun Buy Back Program for the citizens. Basically, anyone could bring us a gun and we would give them a $50 gift card to either Target or WalMart. I wasn't too sure about the response we would get, especially since it was held last Friday when the weather was pretty rainy all day long. Well, within the first 4 hours we had already taken in over 100 guns and the Chief had to send someone out to go buy more gift cards because we ran out and there were people waiting. In the end we took in 198 guns which are now all on my office floor (I have a big office). Anyhow, I was there because I am in charge of all the evidence that the agency takes in and this was no exception. A lot of the officers

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