I went to work on Monday and then decided to take the rest of the week off. I had planned to take Wed-Fri off but I just wasn't in the mood to go in on Tuesday so after talking to my Sergeant I was cleared to stay home until next week. My mom and I are having a garage sale on Friday and Saturday and that always takes lots of prep time and now I get to spend some more time with

the girls. Bresa has school but Abbi is home during the day so her and I play in the morning time and she helps me get things done around the house. One morning we decided that we should make Grandma a Halloween picture since she didn't have anything up and Daddy found some cool Halloween stickers in the attic that I picked up last year. Abbi put a lot of work into Grandma's picture and later we took it over to her. Grandma really liked it and Abbi was so proud of her hard work. What a big girl!
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