As of 8:08 tonight Javan will be exactly one week old. It's so funny how it seems he just got here but also how I can't imagine life without him. Javan is such the sweetie and brings us joy everyday. He had a little difficulty nursing at first but once my milk came in he got it down with no problems. He still sleeps most of the day and is most awake in the morning around 10 and in the evening around 5:30.

Last night he woke up 3-4 times to nurse and then went right back to sleep when he was done (I like those nights). It's a little different having a boy in the house but he fits right in and now Peter isn't as out numbered. Right now he really only cries when he has gas and he whines when he gets hungry. It's still early though so we will see how long this lasts. Our friends from church have been great and are continuing to bring us dinner every night until February. It is the best thing in the world not having to worry about what's for dinner and who's making it, we appreciate this more than words could ever describe. We haven't left the house since the dr appointment but we are planning on going to church this Sunday.
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