Happy Easter to everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful day and got a chance to celebrate with your families! We had a long but fun day ourselves. Peter was playing guitar for both services at our church

but I went to the later one after I got the kids ready and met up with Peter's dad. The service was excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed it. After church we went home for a quick stop and then headed over to my mom's house for dinner. The kids all fell asleep on the way which was good because they could use a little nap even if it was really short. We got to mom's and had a wonderful Rib dinner prepared by Jim after Janell and Wyatt came over with baby Charlotte.

After dinner and a few photos the girls hunted for eggs in the backyard. That Easter Bunny sure left those things everywhere. Once they were all found it was time to color eggs. Abbi stayed pretty clean but Bresa's hands turned completely blue.

Aunt Janell made cool Olive eggs for the girls because we were teasing Bresa about olives at dinner the night before. After the eggs were colored and everything was all cleaned up it was time to tear into the Easter Baskets. As usual the Bunny was very generous and Javan's

basket was bigger than he was. The girls got lots of goodies but thankfully not too much candy in their baskets this year. After a few more pictures with Grandma and the new babies it was time to head home; Bresa is back to school tomorrow and she needed her sleep.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday but above all the candy and eggs remembered the true reason we celebrate!
Praise God for his son who saved us all!!
What fun. Javan is adorable, so smiley! Cant wait to meet him
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