Javan and I touched down safely at the Orlando Airport this

morning right before 10am. We had a fun week in Ohio with Tina and Noah but were happy to be home to see Daddy and the girls. Javan did great flying. He pretty much slept the whole time and woke up to nurse and look around a little bit. I was really worried about him crying or having ear problems but he didn't seem to notice the altitude change and I think he was just happy I was holding him the whole time. When we got to Ohio on Thursday we went out for dinner and then got all settled in.

On Friday Tina and I ran a few errands and did a little shopping while Noah finished up a bit of work he had. Tina and Noah love to cook so I always eat well when I go to their house. Not only does all the food taste good but it is made with healthy ingredients so even if I were the type to feel guilty about eating good foods I wouldn't have to there.

Also, Tina and Noah have a large assortment of board games and they always have unusual ones that I have never heard of. Saturday we spent most of the day playing games which was really fun. I love learning new games and figuring out which ones I want to buy for our own house. They have a good game store that isn't too far so we stopped by there and I got a small expansion and some tiles for my Carcassonne game. Tina and Noah also have a Wii so I made a Mii and we played a few games on their system, including the new Mariokart. I was terrible at it but that just made it funnier.

On Sunday we made plans to go the Kitchenaide factory and store which isn't too far away. We checked the hours on the brochure we had but when we got there we found out they were closed on Sundays. I guess we had an old brochure. Oh well, we stopped and got lunch and then went to a garden and just walked around.
It was really weird to see lilies everywhere.

We don't have them in gardens here in FL so I kept thinking they were fake. They also had lots of daffodils and other flowers that we only get to see on tv.

The daffodils and pansies reminded me of Alice in Wonderland.
Monday was my last day there so we made it a point to stop and feed the Geese (also something we don't have here)

and then Tina and Noah took me to a place called Utters and Putters. As you can guess from the name it is a farm that has a miniature golf course (well two actually). They also have batting cages, a driving range, and a petting farm, as well as a couple other things I can't remember. We played a round of golf and then walked over to the gifts hop where they also sell homemade ice cream.

Yummy!! We walked around a bit afterwards before driving over to Ester Price Chocolate Store. After drinking a great milkshake I wasn't in a mood for even the free samples at the store but Tina found some sugar free candies she liked. Javan was a pretty good boy but he had his crying fits too.

Towards the end of the trip he got worse so I guess he was ready to come home. It was hard not having any help with him and having him 24/7, that just made me appreciate Peter even more and also feel bad for him when I have to go to work during the daytime. It is good to be home now but there are things that need to be done and also I have to return to work in the morning. Thanks for the great trip Tina and Noah, I really had a great time and loved all the games. I am thinking about purchasing Starfarers of Catan at some point.
We had a great time too...the house already feels empty without you and Javan here.
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