This morning was the first day of the new school year and not a day too soon! Poor Peter may actually start to get some more work done with his business with the girls being out of the house. We took Bresa to 1st grade and she already knew most of the kids because they were in the same class last year. After Bresa was all set Abbi got to go to her first day of school ever! Daddy and I took her to her preschool where she quickly found toys to play

with and was super excited about playing on the playground during the day. I use to think that she would be reserved and not want me to leave her there but she kissed me good bye and didn't look back. When Peter picked her up later she didn't want to leave but he told her that in order to come back tomorrow she had to go home first. Both the girls did well and another school year is underway. Only one baby left but it will still be another 4 years before that.
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