I always enjoy a long weekend but this one was especially packed with fun and friends. Our life group usually meets on Mondays but since it was Labor Day we decided to take this week off. Just about all the members of the group had today off so we decided to meet up for breakfast. Bill and Brenda were the hosts this morning so we went over there and had a very large and delicious meal prepared by Bill. We all brought a little something to

add but Bill and Brenda definitely provided the bulk of it. Bill is a great cook so anytime he offers to make something we all jump at the chance of tasting his creations. We had a great time just hanging out and talking but pretty soon Peter and I had to go because we were crashing another Life Group party somewhere else.

We headed over to Paul and Nancy's house where they were hosting a party for the Life Group they are in. We had originally come from that Life Group when we first started going to our church so it was nice to get to hang out with everyone at once again. The girls played in the pool and Javan got spoiled by the other adults. Peter and I just talked with everyone and then headed home. It was nice to have the day off of work but I think I am more tired now then I would have been had I worked all day.
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