Tonight was the Sanford Police Department Awards Ceremony. Every year they hold this ceremony and hand out awards to employees and volunteers that demonstrate hard work ethics and exceptional courage and conduct. Peter wasn't feeling well this year and I was going to go alone with the kids but he didn't want me to have to do that. He ended up coming with me and I was happy because I really didn't want to go alone. The ceremony didn't take very long which was nice because the girls were hungry and ready to get dinner served. You aren't told when you are invited if you are getting an award, they want everyone to come to support those who do get awards. I thought I was going to get an award but I thought it was going to be one of those "thanks for coming to work" awards that you get just so you feel like you got something. Anyhow the ceremony was winding down and I was trying to pay attention and make the kids mind when I heard my name. I got the "Administrative Excellence Award," for my organization and all the purging I have done in Evidence. I didn't realize it then but Peter pointed out that that was the highest award any civilian received tonight. I didn't think I would care about the award, but I did appreciate being recognized for working really hard. It's always nice when someone notices.
Great job! I am so proud of you. Wish I had been there. Love to you,Mom
Wow! That's great!! (I know, I really behind in your blog updates.)
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