We left the house this morning about 8:00 to meet Christina and Noah at the Mall of Millennia for breakfast at Panera. After our nice meal and a bit of talking we all piled into Oscar to head down to Polk County. During my PEAF conference back in February my friend won 4 tickets to
Fantasy of Flight and had no desire to use them so he gave them to me. I checked the website and found out that children 5 and under are free so as long as we went before June 8th we wouldn't

have to pay for Abbi. We gave two of the tickets to Tina and Noah and they purchased one child's ticket for Bresa and we were all covered. I wasn't sure what to expect but I enjoyed the Air Force Museum when I went up to Ohio so I figured it would be something similar. The girls enjoyed the beginning part

where you walked through dark halls that took you through the progress of flight (similar to the old Delta Dream Flight ride at Disney) then we walked through a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. There was a filmstrip about WWI combat and the strategies the pilots used to get advantage over the enemy. The children didn't enjoy that very much but we all thought it was interesting. There were two large hangars completely filled airplanes

and lots of interactive things to do. Javan loved the hangars and kept pointing to all the planes saying, "airplane airplane!" Whenever he was aloud to sit in one or climb in the cockpit and push all the buttons you can bet he was all over it. The girls enjoyed this too and had a really good time being pilots. There were a few flight simulators also that we all played around with and then

we went into the kid area where they had lots of things to show aerodynamics and aloud the kids to experiment themselves. They had an air balloon simulator and a hang glider simulator (Peter really liked that) and a few other areas that got kids thinking. We walked around for a couple hours and then took the tram tour to another hangar where they did some repairs and maintenance.

There were also several storage areas that we were shown and we learned all about engines, propellers, and designs. Just as we got back to the main building they were preparing for an aerial demonstration so we chose good shaded spots and waited. They flew out a Fieseler Fi-156 Storch which they pulled right from the hangar

we were just walking through, that was pretty cool. Javan enjoyed watching the plane take off and fly by low and close and do a few little things in the air before landing again. After the flight show we decided to head out and grab some lunch on the way back.

Our day wasn't over yet though we still had more plans. Christina's mom lives in Windermere and has a really nice pool so we had planned to take the kids swimming. When we got to the house it was all I

could do to keep them from jumping in the pool straight away and put their suits and sunscreen on. The kids had a great time and the water felt very nice. We probably swam a couple hours before getting out and drying off. The girls probably would have stayed in all night if we let them, they love pools. After we got out of the pool we decided to play some pool. Peter and Noah played a few games and I played a couple. None of us are really any good but that just made it fair. Tina's mom, Raj, had a couple other guests over and they BBQ'd hot dogs

and hamburgers and had a bunch of sides for dinner. Everything was delicious and we chased it down with Apple Pie for dessert. As you can imagine all the kids fell asleep on the way home. I was ready to sleep too but figured I should keep Peter company

on the drive back. I am sure I will be tired tomorrow when I have to return to work after this wonderful four day weekend.
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