&t The Taylor Family: Open House

Wednesday, September 19

Open House

Tonight was Open House for the girls at school. We were a little disappointed that it was on a Wednesday, causing us to miss out on the church activities but Peter and I wanted to meet Bresa's new teacher too. Abbi has Mrs. Wright again, the same teacher
she had last year and Bresa had the 3 years before that because she is the only gifted teacher that teaches K-2nd grade. By now Mrs. Wright knows us well and we have a great understanding of each person's role in Abbi's educational life. We asked how Abbi was doing and Mrs. Wright said just what we would expect, "Abbi is a delight and a very good girl. She has a very sweet personality and all the children like her." That's my Apple-gail! Next was Bresa's teacher, Mrs. Kiser. Bresa is in the 4th grade but is actually in the 5th grade gifted class. There apparently were too many gifted 4th graders this year so 4 of the 4th graders got put in the the 5th grade class. I don't know how they
decided which ones but I am hoping that perhaps the older students will be able to help Bresa become a little more socially mature. Also, I don't mind the challenge she gets from doing the higher grade work. We looked around the room and Bresa showed us her cubby and workbooks. We asked the teacher how Bresa was doing she said, "Well, Bryanna is Bryanna. She has a lot to say, especially to me." We talked a little about Bresa having ADHD but didn't stay too long as all the other parents wanted to talk too. The girls showed us the garden they had worked on last year (something only the gifted classes get to work on) and Bresa showed us the new plants her class had just added. I like that they get to do some planting and weeding, I would love to have a vegetable garden in my yard some day and it is nice to know the children will be able to help me.


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