Here are the before and after shots of Oscar's owwee. The dent is still there but it looks so much better after Peter and cleaned up all the marks. There are still black spots but that is where the car that hit us took our paint with him. It took a long time and it really hurt because we used rubbing compound and we had to rub it hard and fast so that it would heat up. It did a really good job though. The white of the car really helps hide the dent, our neighbor thought we pulled it out and my mom thought we went and had it fixed. There is a way to push out the dent from behind it but in order to do that you have to take of a bottom piece and we haven't figured that out yet. I can't complain though because it already looks so much better. We need to take the car in anyhow because we need new rear brakes and new tires, poor Oscar he sure gets a lot work done to him, but he is always so happy afterwards.
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