Yesterday, I had a photo shoot to do at UCF so I had to take Peter to work in the morning so I could have the car. I decided to take the girls to get some pumpkins but all the patches I past only had a couple small ones left. I thought all was lost and headed over to my mom's house and right there on the corner was a big pumpkin patch with a big selection. I stopped in and called my mom and she met me in the lot. We went around to each pumpkin and touched them all.

I took some more pictures but they are on Peter's camera. Finally we made our choices and came away with 5 nice pumpkins. After I picked Peter up from work we went back to my mom's and had fun carving into them all. Brye didn't want to get her hands dirty and she said the inside was gross. Funny because last year we couldn't get her to stop playing in it. Abbi had a great time and liked to help a lot. She had fun scooping and feeling and pulling out the seeds. When all was said and done we had some great pumpkin faces. In the picture of the four pumpkins the top left is Abbi's (suppose to look like Abbi), the top right is Brye's (she designed and Grandma carved). The big one on the bottom is Peter's, his is evil, and the last one is mine, simple and goofy. Brian worked hard on his pumpkin but it still needs some work so we couldn't get it to light through.
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