How many said Twins?
Well, you're all wrong! Today was my first prenatal ultrasound. We had the pregnancy test a couple weeks ago and they checked my Beta levels to see how I was doing. My numbers came back really high and when I had returned two days later, my numbers had already doubled and then some. All the nurses and drs said (without actually saying it) "there are definitely twins in there." So today at the ultrasound we were going in to see how many babies there were and how many had heartbeats. There is always a chance that I could have gotten pregnant with twins but one wouldn't make it through to the ultrasound. Well I get to the dr and we are looking at the screen and we see two little things, pretty clearly in their own little sacs. The doctor gets in closer to find the heartbeats and there are two beating away. When we did the IVF they only transfered 2 embryo's and there was only a 60% chance of a singleton, a 30% chance of twins, and (I didn't know why they even mentioned this) a 4% chance of triplets. After the Dr said "yes there are twins in there" we felt okay with that and pretty much expected to hear so. Well he looked up towards the second baby and inside the same sac there was another little thing. So he gets in closer and sure enough there is a third baby with a very healthy heartbeat. So triplets it is! Turns out that one of the embryo's divided creating a set of identical twins and then the other embryo latched on making it triplets. So there are two identical twins and a third non-identical baby. There is always a possibility that all the babies won't hang on, and I could be left with two, one, or even zero.

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