Okay, over the weekend while we were still in New Orleans we mostly just hung out. We are the touristy type and really had no interest in New Orleans, we only wanted to go to see our friends. On Sunday we went to see a friend of Rayna and Scott's, this guy Dan who lived on Bourbon Street. We went just before noon and it was only a couple blocks away so we walked over. Dan had this really awesome apartment so it was really cool to see the different style homes in New Orleans. We ordered lunch and talked until we had to go. Scott had to leave for business in Baton Rouge and that night Peter and the girls had fun playing one of Scott's guitars.

Brye had fun trying to strum while Peter played the cords and then Abbi of course wanted to help too. They are so cute with their Daddy and their sweet Snowman sweaters that Grandma got them last year, and I forgot they had. We had fun just hanging out, we aren't into the party scene so we didn't really venture out at night and Peter and the drinking type. Though we had fun visiting our friends, we have no desire to ever go back to New Orleans ever.
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