Last night Peter and I dropped the girls off at Miss Kim's house where they spent the night. It was great, Peter and I went out to dinner and we were going to go to the movies too but I was really tired so we just rented one instead. In the morning Peter went off to his shop and I went to the Sanford Mall where I had signed up to volunteer in a Bone Marrow Drive that the Sherrifs Department and the Sanford Police Department were putting on. I had always wanted to be a bone marrow donor but all the agencies I researched said you had to pay for a certian test and it was too much money for me to be able to donate. This drive was supported by "Kids Beating Cancer, Inc." where they take care of all the medical costs for tests and such. I happily signed up and gave my DNA sample (a simple swab of the mouth) so that I could be put in their records for future matches. After I signed up myself I assisted other people in signing up and telling them how to swab their mouths (I didn't touch any of that stuff).

The drive was very informative and I really enjoyed it. There were lots of people that signed up because they knew someone close that had cancer and they wanted to help the cause. I think there were three news stations covering the drive and a little boy with cancer (who started the drive through the police departments) gave a speech and took pictures with some officers. I wish I could have stayed later but I had to get the girls and of course I was tired once again. If you would like more information on how to become a donor yourself go to
Kidsbeatingcancer.com they have a registery but not nearly enough people on the lists.
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