This morning we slept in a little bit and played at home for a while.

Peter had to spray a guitar and mow the lawn and then clean himself up. I bought tickets to go see my youngest brother graduate from boot camp in a couple weeks and tried to plan a hotel and rental car for when I went up to IL. We had considered going to see

Peter's mom but then his father called him and told him he was going to the Sanford Zoo with Peter's brother's family. We had to take my Dad's truck back over to his house in Lake Mary but told Peter's father we would meet him at the zoo afterwards. When Peter told Brye we were going she asked if she could call Grandma and see if she wanted to come. I said sure and so Brye called and Grandma said she would meet us out there. We finally got there just after 2:00 and met up with everyone. We were surprised to see most of the animals awake and lively. Usually when we come all the animals are either hiding or asleep,

maybe it was because of the overcast weather we had today. We found Brye and Abbi's wooden plank with their names on it and showed it to everyone. It started to rain but we just headed over to the reptile exhibit to keep dry until it stopped. We saw everything in the park and had just finished when we were told we had to leave because it was 5:00 and the zoo was closed. That was fine though because we had to go home where Kent and Jake were meeting us with baby Kendrah for dinner and a movie.

It was a great day and the girls had a lot of fun but they sure were tired by the time bedtime rolled around. In the pictures you can see Brye and Abbi with the reptiles, Abbi is so stylish in her sunglasses, and then watching the enormous tortuous. Another picture shows the girls driving the trolly with Peter's brother's stepchildren.
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