I had to throw my volunteer uniform in the wash today so I could wear it again tomorrow. Peter had done a wash earlier in the day and everything seemed fine but this time we weren't so lucky.

When it was time for the washer to spin and drain water it just stopped completely. I went out to check on it and played with all the knobs and buttons trying to get it do something but to no avail it was broken. I called out to Peter and said "it's broken, it won't do anything (add irritated whine here)" Peter says "oh, okay (perhaps with slightly more colorful vocabulary)" and he set to work trying to fix it. In just a couple minutes he had the thing completely apart with the wet clothes still in it and after a couple minutes more he

found the problem; a broken lid switch housing. We didn't have the appropriate adhesive to fix it but with a little electrical tape he got it to work well enough until he can bring home what he needs from his shop to fix it properly. In a few more seconds he had the washer back together and we heard the sweet sound of water draining from the machine. My wonderful Mr. Fixit, he solves all my problems. I am so proud to be his wife.
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