Yesterday Sanford held a festival to raise money for the families of the tragedy last month. Since I volunteer at the Police Department they asked me to help out for the event. We had a pretty good turn out, I am not sure how many people they were expecting. There were lots of families that came throughout the day and the kids seemed to really have a fun time on the air bouncers and slides. The festival was suppose to go from 10-9 but we had a huge lightning storm come our way around 7. After the first few loud thunders sounded the venders started breaking down and packing up. I was there from 8:30-7:30, I had planned on staying to the end but after people started packing up there wasn't anything else for me to do. I got really sunburned and I am really sore from it today but in a couple days I will be as good as new. I don't know how much money was earned but hopefully it will be enough to cover most of the medical and funeral costs. Thanks for everyone who either donated or spread the word!
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