Since we are having a garage sale over at my mom's house we were over in Winter Park Friday night. Abbi and I had been here since yesterday so after Bresa got out of school Peter brought her over to us. I got the girls all dressed up and did Abbi's face paint and made sure they had their trick or treat bags and then we were off.

We went to a local church where they were having a little event with Trunk or Treating and some games and food. We had some dinner and even some cotton candy and after seeing and touching everything we decided to do some real trick or treating. We drove down the street to where our friends, Kent and Jake, live and talked to Kent for a while. Jake was out with Kendrah getting treats elsewhere. After a little chatting we did a bit of walking making a loop and gathering treats from the houses with lights on.

The girls were so cute and as always got a lot of attention. Abbi would go up to the door and yell "trick or treating" before anyone answered. Bresa was always curious as to what treat got dropped in her bag that she often forgot her manners because she was too caught up in looking at her new candy. They were really sweet and when we had almost made the loop back to the car Abbi started asking where Ophelia (our Civic) was. We made it back and then went to my mom's to spend the night.
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