Is no news really good news? Things here haven't changed much. I am still having contractions about every five minutes but they haven't progressed to anything stronger than I have been feeling. This little bean sure is taking his/her time coming out to meet us. This morning we decided to take a little trip down to Downtown Disney so I could get a bit of walking in.

The girls were dressed up in their pretty dress-up clothes that Santa brought so we let them wear that out, it is Disney after-all. We walked for a long time and then tried to go meet baby Charlotte at my sister's but they aren't being discharged until later tonight. We were really hoping to see the new pretty girl but hopefully we will be able to meet her soon. Tonight we are going over to a friend's house for dinner and games. It will be good to go do something to get my mind off of this never-ending pregnancy.
Oh wow. Yes, I have been checking the blog, but have been wanting to call. I know I waked you guys up last time and so call when you have time!
Cute pics of the girls!!!
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