On a lighter side, today was Peter's birthday. I was happy to hear that he was taking the day off of work and spending the day with me and the girls (and Javan). Bresa had to go to school (her 100th day today) but the rest of us went to Winter Park to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory with Peter's dad. Once we left there we picked up Bresa and went to a miniature golf place near our house. This place is literally 100 yards from our neighborhood and though Peter has wanted to go there since our house started being built 6 years ago, we had never

made it over there. Finally today we went and it was the girls first time ever miniature golfing. They had a blast and were really sad when they didn't get the ball back at the 18th hole. Peter had worship team practice tonight for the church service on Sunday so I picked up his favorite, Papa Johns Pizza. We didn't do all too much today but it was nice to just spend time with each other.
Happy Birthday!!
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