&t The Taylor Family: Baby Javan's first Sleep-over

Tuesday, March 3

Baby Javan's first Sleep-over

I was talking to my mom on the phone yesterday and she asked if I was going to bring Javan over to see her. I was just kidding and asked Javan if he wanted to go have a sleepover at Grandma's house. Mom got excited and said she would take him all night and bring him home tomorrow since she was coming over anyhow. I wasn't sure but after talking to Peter we decided a full night's sleep would be very nice. I packed up all his little things that he would need and made sure he had plenty of bottles to fill his tummy and we headed over to Grandma's. It's weird not having him here, I keep thinking that I hear him breathing and that I need to get him to feed him or change him. I am sure I will sleep well tonight but I will still have to get up a time or two to pump my milk. I wouldn't be able to let him sleep over at just anyone's house but there isn't anyone that I trust more than Grandma to take care of one of my most precious possessions.


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank-You for sharing Baby Javan with us. He slept peacefully between us or in my arms which was most of the time. He had a nice bath and looks so cute in his little shirt and pants. He ate really well and often. We walked around the neighborhood and I showed off my new 7 week old little boy.Well ok Grandson. What a rush of emotions and memories holding and caring for the little baby.It is almost 4PM .We are leaving as soon as I finish here. Though I will miss him I will be looking forward to sleeping all night lol... xoxoxo
Grandma and Papa


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