Peter was on his way home from having breakfast with some guys from church and he was about 1/3 of mile from our house when he got into a car accident. There was a large truck in front of him and the guy went to turn left but turned to wide and Peter stopped behind him and then tried to go around him because the truck was in two lanes when the guy in the truck backed into Peter and left this nice dent in the car.

FHP was called and it turns out the other driver was driving on a suspended license with no insurance. Just our luck. The other driver was arrested and was cited for several offenses and Peter came home with poor Ophelia (the car). The officer said that the car probably has around $2500 worth of damage to it and Peter thinks the door will have to be replaced. I guess we will see what happens. I am not sure how it works when the other guy doesn't have insurance but I know we have uninsured motorist coverage in our policy.
glad everyone's ok. when I was in an accident like that in FL my insurrance just paid for the work. same thing other guy had no DL and no insurrance it wasn't even his car.
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