A full day

After I got back from Ohio I was looking forward to being able to sleep in today but then on about Thursday I remembered that I had a woman's ministry workshop at the church bright and early.
Oh well, I guess sleeping in will have to wait. I went to church and had a great time, as usual, and then came home around 3 pm.
Once I got there I did a few things around the house to make it nice and tidy and then I took the kids outside to plant those bulbs that I had attempted to plant back on my birthday when Peter surprised me with reservations at the Melting Pot.
I really needed to get those things in the ground and I today was as good a day as any.
Bresa and Abbi were my big helpers as always.
They poured the dirt and dug the holes and planted the bulbs before covering them up and watering them down.
I am not sure how long they will take to grow and hopefully I didn't miss their prime season.
And where was Javan during all of this? Well right along side of us, of course!.

There is nothing like a day in the garden. I am so happy to see the kids outside and enjoying the idea of planting and anticipation of what will grow. I remember helping my grandfather plant corn in his garden and also help pick when it was time.That was back in the 50's.My mother every year had flowers and veggies growing .I too have always loved being outside in the garden .To me this is where I feel closest to God.The warm sunshine and the beauty of the greens and flowers butterflies birds and all the other critters you come across just being out there. My heart shaped rocks and the kids handprint in the garden rock they made for me years ago.All signs of God's handiwork.I can't wait to see the blossoms on your flowers,Byre,Abbi,and Chellee too.Love Grandma
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