Starting today I will be teaching a class at church. It is for Crown Financial Ministries which was founded by Howard Dayton. It's an awesome study of what God's Word says about finances and spending. Peter and I took the class a year ago and I felt lead to lead a class but Javan was born the same month is started so I decided that wasn't the time. Peter lead a

class though and enjoyed it but decided he just didn't have the time while he plays on the worship team and we lead a Life Group. When this teaching period rolled around I jumped at the chance to take his place. The class meets once a week for 10 weeks and everyone who takes it has to be committed. There is daily homework as well as a verse to learn every week as well as weekly worksheets that need to be filled out. It seems like a lot of work but the class is so great and I got a lot out of it. Hopefully I will get even more out of it by leading the class.
Can I be the teacher's pet?? All fun aside, I want to Thank You Chellee and Peter for leading me to the place I have longed to be. I just didn't know how to get there. I am looking forward in seeing all God has for me. This is a great day!!!...Mom
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