At a nice new plaza in Orange City the businesses were doing trick or treating a night early. I got off of work and Peter was still not feeling well so I got the kids ready and we headed out to give Daddy some quiet time. It was pretty warm out so I didn't dress Javan up but the girls were in full costume. We went to each business in the little strip

mall and then to all the stand alone shops around the lake. After we had hit all the stores we went to a little walk way so the girls could run around while I gave Javan his dinner. We had a good time and I am happy that the girls are going to get a lot of use out of their costumes this year.
They looked terrific. !!! Javan, I knew he was just a baby cub because of smile with only 2 teeth . lol
You did a terrific job on their outfits. Good Mommy, Love Mom
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