My friend, Lisa, and I have been talking about going to the Brevard Zoo for a while. I get a discount since I have the Central FL zoo pass and she really wanted to see the giraffes so we decided we needed to take a trip with the kids. Peter stayed home to get some work done and Lisa brought her youngest, Brogan, over and we loaded up the car. Brogan is just a couple months younger than Bresa and they always have a great time playing together. Brogan told his parents Bresa is

his girlfriend and they are going to get married some day. Too cute! We took the long drive to Melbourne and headed into the zoo to start our day. The first place we went is to the giraffes so we could try and feed them. Unfortunately there was only one giraffe up by the platform and after he got a couple bites from some of the other visitors he went on his way. The other giraffes weren't far off but they weren't interested in eating. We decided we would try and see the giraffes again after we saw the rest of the park. We walked over to the kangaroos and warthogs and such and then into the Lorikeet enclosure where all the kids got to feed the birds. The first time Peter and I took the girls

to this zoo there was no one there and the birds were crazy! They dive bombed and perched on Peter (he had the food) and fought each other to the last drop. This time though, there were plenty of other visitors at the zoo so there was enough food to go around. The Lorikeets were pretty calm and all the kids had a good time feeding them. We also fed some other birds with seeds on popcicle sticks. I tried to get Javan to feed them but he didn't

understand that you had to hold the stick so he would just give it to them and walk away. Once the birds were done eating we were pretty hungry ourselves so we headed to the car to get our lunches that we had packed. Heading back into the Zoo we went through "Wild Florida" and "La Selva" where we saw all the primates, reptiles, and other big cats and foxes and such. As we were headed out of the zoo we stopped again to see if the giraffes wanted to eat. They were still a bit off from the feeding

platform so we didn't get to feed them on this trip. We did see lots of them, including a baby giraffe and we enjoyed just watching them wander. We had a bit of a ways to drive home still so we decided to call it a day and load up the car and head out. Javan fell asleep quick and the other three played pretty quitely in the back row while Lisa and I talked.
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