&t The Taylor Family: Freckle Frenzy

Tuesday, May 4

Freckle Frenzy

On June 30th, 2007 I posted a picture of Abbi with her then, newly appearing freckles. Two years after that on April 16, 2009 I posted an update on the multiplying freckles. The other day I was looking at Miss Abigail and noticing that her freckles have continued to multiply and get darker. A few months ago if you asked Abbi how she got all those freckles she would tell you that she got a new one everytime you took a picture of her. I don't know where this idea came from but it was adorable and I didn't feel the need to correct her. Somewhere along the way though, she learned that they actually come from the sun and now she gives you a more accurate, but not nearly as cute or exciting, answer. In the photos you can see for yourself the progression of the freckles over the last three years.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

Here is a quote I have always loved about freckles:

"A girl without freckles is like a night without stars”

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Sophie said...

So cute!

At what age did her freckles start to appear? My daughter is almost 3 and has none so far, which is surprising since my husband and I are both covered in them. ;-)

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Chellee said...

Sofie, Abbi's freckles started to appear faintly when she was about two but it really wasn't unti her fourth year that they became really pronounced and far spreading.

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to count them by touching each one,but she just couldn't hold still (Well ok maybe I was tickling her) It is fun to count her dots on her clothes,she's really hard to hold then..lol Grandma


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