This morning Janell and Wyatt woke up first and we unwillingly got up for some quick breakfast before we started packing up. I cleaned out the tent and Peter loaded the car while the kids played around the site. Javan and Charlotte stayed in their “prison” so we didn’t have to worry about them wandering off or getting hurt. Once the tent was empty and swept out Peter and I started to take it down. Janell and Wyatt were packing up the camper at the same time; we were all trying to get everything finished in time to meet their friend at The Magic Kingdom. The tent went down pretty easy, we have done it a

few times now and it gets easier every time. Once we were all packed I took the girls over to get all cleaned up and dressed for the day and Peter took Javan to do the same. When we were through, Peter and Wyatt went to get Wyatt’s car and I tried to help Janell finish some last minute things. The boys returned and after the car was packed Janell and Wyatt hooked up the camper to be on our way. Janell and I walked the kids down to the settlement and boat ramp and the boys parked the cars in the entrance lot and took the bus to meet us. When we were all together again we took the boat over to the Contemporary and saw Wyatt’s parents for a few minutes and then headed to the Magic Kingdom with Wyatt and Janell’s friend Ryan.

Ryan works in the park and said he would get our girls in for us, Janell had won tickets to Disney but they have annual passes so she gave them to Peter and I to use. With Janell's tickets and Ryan we were all able to get in at no cost. It was very sweet of him to meet us and let us in and we were very thankful. The park was extremely crowded today so the lines were a little longer than we are use to but we knew we were only going to stay for a few hours anyhow. We started off with some lunch and then headed over to the Haunted Mansion, Bresa’s choice. Since Bresa got to pick we let Abbi decide and she chose Cinderella’s Carousel. After that we went on the People mover and then decided we should head out and beat the rain that was closing in.

On the way out we got to catch some of the parade which the girls were very excited about. They got to see their favorite princesses and waved and laughed as they passed by. We took the boat back to the settlement and then the bus to the parking lot. Once we got to the car we packed the kids up and said good bye. The drive home wasn’t bad and we were even able to get home and unload the car before the pouring rain came down. Javan fell asleep before we were off Disney property and the girls just talked and played in the back. There was a lot of unpacking and cleaning to do once we got home but we had so much fun this weekend it is easily worth it.

Peter and I are excited about going back again sometime and taking advantage of the rest of the things the campground has to offer. Maybe next time we will even catch the Chip and Dale Campfire movie where the kids can roast marshmallows. Thanks for all the fun Janell and Wyatt, we really had a great time!!
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