The children woke up with the sun (as usual) and since we were all in the same tent Peter and I were woken up too. We got the kids up and to the bathrooms and dressed for the day and when we returned Janell and Wyatt were up too. The boys started cooking bacon and eggs on the grill while Janell made toast and handed things to the girls and I to set the table. The babies ate first of course and then the girls followed by the rest of us. We didn’t really have much in the way of plans for the day so we took our time getting ready and cleaned up after breakfast and then decided we would take one of the boats over to some of the resorts and go through the shops and do some pin trading.

On our way over to the boat ramp we stopped at the horse stables again and let the girls go on pony rides. Bresa and Abbi both got to ride their own horse that was lead by Peter and I and we walked along the trail around the fenced in outdoor stables. Bresa rode Chip and Abbi rode Cloud. They both did really well and rode those horses like pros. Once the girls were done showing off their riding skills we headed

over to Fort Wilderness Lodge via the boat. Bresa was really afraid that the boat was going to tip over on the first ride and clung to me to keep her safe. It wasn’t a small boat and the water wasn’t choppy but she hasn’t ever been on any boat smaller than the WDW Ferry before. Javan enjoyed watching the water as we sailed through it and once we got to the Lodge we all enjoyed going through the shops.

The girls found a few good pins worth trading and really wanted to go in the resort’s pool but we had more to do and no suits with us. We left there and headed over to the Contemporary Resort where we stopped and had some lunch and did some more pin trading and window shopping. There was to be a pool party at the campgrounds pool so we wanted to get back to the site to get ready for that.

On the way back in Javan fell asleep and Charlotte got really sleepy, when we got to the site Abbi said she wanted to take a nap. We thought the party was to start at 3 but turns out it started at 2 and it was already 2:30 so we figured we would skip that, let the kids take a nap, and then head to the pool afterwards. When Javan woke up, Peter and Abbi were still sleeping but the rest of us were up so we headed off to the pool

to do some swimming. The pool was really crowded but there was a lot to do. I took Bresa and Javan to the kid area where Bresa went on the slide a hundred times and Javan played in the shallow area and splashed a lot. Peter and Abbi eventually joined us and Bresa went with Janell on a huge rounded slide in the big pool. I figured Bresa would get to the top and then be

too scared to go down but after Janell went she followed right after her. I was standing clear on the other side of the pool watching and I could hear Bresa screaming all the way down. It was pretty humorous. Janell said that after Bresa came off the slide and Janell was able to get her above the water again Bresa was shaken but by the time she got to me she was really excited about having done it. It was really cute. After all the swimming and playing we headed back to the campsite and did a little lounging around.

The kids got ready for bed and I tried to get things in order to be packed up easily tomorrow morning when we headed out. For dinner Wyatt grilled up some BBQ chicken and Janell made beans. We made a garden salad and we also had potato salad and chips. The babies had sandwiches and peaches so that we wouldn’t have to fight with them to get enough to eat (I know Javan isn’t always in the mood for meat). Once dinner was done and the table was cleaned off the kids went to bed early and fell sleep fast and us

four adults stayed up and talked for of couple hours. The weather was really nice with a constant breeze all day and when we slept at night we were actually cold in our tent. Just before we go to bed tonight we are going to pack up a few things so that we don’t have to do it all in morning.
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