I hadn't made any plans for this weekend and was looking forward to not being on the run like usual. However, when I got up this morning I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to do something fun with the kids outside of the house. Peter had to work like usual so I was trying to figure out what the four

of us could do without having to go too far. After checking the weather Peter suggested we go to the zoo so the kids could run around in the Slpash Pad there. Sounded good to me so the girls got dressed and we lathered all the kids up with sunscreen and headed off. When we got there Javan wasn't really sure what to think of the place. He was excited about the water but didn't know what

to do with it all. The girls both took off running and were already soaked by the time Javan got it figured out. He liked being able to touch the water but he didn't like it when the water raised up and got in his face so he couldn't see. There were a couple times when he was running around and two of the buckets up high dumped on him in a row, he didn't like that because he didn't see it coming. He was so cute though, he would run a little bit then just stand there and look around. He wouldn't move at all and just stare out, finally he would see me and get so excited and come running over.

He fell down a few times but after someone helped him up he was happy and would run off again. His favorite part of the pad was the big frog, he kept going over to it and petting it and giving it kisses. So sweet! Abbi had fun dancing around the water and climbing on the frog and sliding off. She liked sticking her hands and feet in the water but Bresa loved running through it all. She liked getting soaked and standing under the water that got dumped from above. Once all the kids were done playing we sat and ate some lunch while they dried off. I have deteremined that the best time to enjoy the splash pad is in the morning, there was hardly a person there when we got there but towards and after lunch it filled up pretty quick. I like it when there aren't many people and I can easily keep track of all the kids.

Afterwards, Bresa wanted to go see some of the animals and Abbi wanted to see the butterfly garden that was being renovated the last time we came. In the shade the weather was great so we stayed along the boardwalk under the trees and walked around. Driving back home I kept looking at the kids in the back, they were so quiet and peaceful because they were tired from all their running around and playing. In these moments I know I am truely blessed. Watching baby Javan falling asleep and the girls trying hard to stay awake. God must really think a lot of me to trust me with such wonderful treasures! To think, this love that I feel for the children is but a glimpse of the love that God feels for each of us!
this looks like so much fun. Our zoo is putting in a new splash area like this. It is supposed to be done this summer, we can't wait to try it out.
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