Tuesday afternoon Peter told me to go look at the pond outside. When I went out I saw some weird pond-scum looking stuff and figured it was time for a good cleaning. Peter came out and said that he thought they were tadpole eggs. This made more sense since we had seen a significant increase in frogs in pond lately. We kind of looked them over and talked about how the fish would be happy to eat them and then went inside. I didn't take this first picture, though I had planned on taking one later. I didn't realize they hatched so quickly and I missed my opportunity. This first shot is one I found online but it looks just like what we saw in our pond. When I got home from work yesterday

I didn't see the "scum" anymore and assumed the fish had a full belly but Peter told me to look under the water up next to the sides. I thought I was still looking for eggs when I started to notice all the tiny tadpoles clingling to the edges. I tried to get a couple good shots but it was a little difficult focusing through the water without my polarizing lense (which I was just too lazy to get out). Today when I

got home from work it seemed the tadpoles had not only grown in size but in quantity also, there must be hundreds if not thousands in there. I don't know if gold fish eat tadpoles but if they do ours must be in heaven. Don't worry though, there are too many for one fish to eat.
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