Christina's birthday was last month but I have been so busy with life I didn't get to take her out until now. Tina and Noah had a game party on Tina's birthday so I had to find another weekend to go out and celebrate. Last night we spent the night at Tina and Noah's so this morning after yummy chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs Tina and I left Peter and Noah with the girls. We went over to Waterford lakes and walked around some of the shops. For lunch we stopped at Panera Bread (where else?) and both enjoyed salads and Frozen Mochas. After we were all filled up we went across the street where we had an appointment for pedicures. My first pedicure was up in Ohio with Tina when she took me for my birthday. I really enjoyed it and was looking forward to having it done again.

This pedicure was actually a lot better than the last one, more thorough and involved. We had only planned on getting pedicures but the price for both a Pedicure and Manicure was only a couple dollars more so we upped our package and got our fingers done too. After we were all prettied up we went and did some more shopping before heading back to the house to save the guys. Before we had left the house in the morning Bresa asked where we were going and then asked if she could come with us when I told her about getting our nails done. I told her no, it was just for us big girls today, but if her and Abbi behaved themselves Tina and I would do their nails when we got back. When we returned the girls didn't waste any time in telling us they had been good the whole time we were gone and asked if we could paint their nails now. Tina got out her colors and accessories and the Tina and Chellee Spa was opened for business. I clipped and shaped while

Tina lotioned the girls hands and arms and then painted the base coat on their nails. The girls each picked out the colors they wanted and told us how they wanted their pattern done. We started with the fingers and finished with the toes. Pretty soon there were 40 freshly colored nails in the house. It was hard deciding it was time to pack up and go home but I still had lots of my normal weekend stuff to do and I hadn't even been home long enough to think about it.
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